How to Overcome the Frequent Loss ink Catridge

How to Overcome the Frequent Loss ink Catridge

How to Overcome the Frequent Loss ink Catridge
Overcome the Frequent Loss ink Catridge
How to Overcome the Frequent Loss ink Catridge- Ink cartridges are often jammed because the ink through the head spot and sprayed clogged . Usually caused by the printer not been used , resulting in blockage . Blockage is mostly caused by the drying of ink on the tip head . Way of working itself Cartridge when the printer is ordered to ngeprint , this command is processed by the printer board , then the board will send a command to the printer head to the printing process . Head then worked to set the heating filament abyssal . By setting the heating filament is different then the ink can be arranged where the ink that must be removed for printing . By heating the ink is the ink to be diluted and ready to spray through a very small hole ( nozzle ) .
How to Cope with Loss In Ink Cartridges
  • First you prepare warm water (not too hot ) because if it is too hot can make a broken head . Its function is to remove blockages in the cartridge . 
  • At the cartridge , find the section headnya ( part where it comes out of ink ) , then search through the occlusion to be cleaned . Head made ​​of brass / yellow so easily recognizable . 
  • You dip the head carefully as she rocked back and forth , so that water can seep into the holes so that later dilubang ink can be destroyed / dilute . You lalukan repeated the process , until you are sure that the holes are not clogged clean again . If the water is still colored black / cloudy then you need to replace it until later the water is not turbid again ( means its clean ) . 
  • Look carefully , if you soak the head when the water changes color or not . If the water is not turbid means the blockage has not been crushed and dried ink still embedded in the holes . Well , you should intervenes again until the water actually dissolves the ink is dry . Less warm water will also slow down this process .
  • If this process is already okay , you just clean up your cartridge head with a soft cloth .

Good luck, For solution of canon ip2770 dead, click here.

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